Do I Need an Attorney to Apply for SSD?

A Social Security Disability Claim Form with people in front of it.The decision to hire an attorney to help with your social security disability (SSD) application may be the best decision you make. Your attorney helps you navigate the process of filing your claim and will help file appeals, should your claim be initially denied. These are just some of the reasons why you should have an attorney help you to apply for SSD.

The Importance of Hiring an Attorney
An experienced attorney will be familiar with the medical issues involved in filing for SSD and can help determine if your case is valid to begin with. They will also know how to handle the application process for your specific medical problem. Additionally, hiring a social security disability attorney in NYC helps boost the chances that your claim will be approved, as you will have a higher chance with an attorney, than if you were to file independently.

Benefits to Hiring an Attorney
Navigating the process involved in filing for social security disability benefits can be a bit tricky. Therefore, hiring an attorney is essential to help you with the filing process, eliminating any frustrations you may face while applying on your own.

Other benefits to hiring an attorney include: 

When to Hire an Attorney

Cost for Hiring a Social Security Disability Attorney in NY
Generally, disability attorneys only get paid if your social security disability claim is approved. Once approved, the attorney will receive a percentage of your payout. The fact the attorney does not get paid unless you do, ensures they are motivated to get your claim approved.

Call our offices for a consultation and case evaluation. We are happy to discuss your social security needs and assist you in getting the benefits you need.

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